Title: 21st Infocom World Conference 2019 Date & Location: Athens, Greece: November 26, 2019 Website: https://www.infocomworld.gr/en/ Digital development now transforms all economy sectors, and this overall transformation will be the…
Category: Upcoming Events
The Transport Research Arena 2020 (TRA2020)
Title: The Transport Research Arena (TRA2020) Date & Location: Helsinki, Finland: April 27-30, 2020 Website: https://traconference.eu/ (more…)
22nd IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2019)
Title: 22nd IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2019) Date & Location: Auckland, New Zealand: October 27-30, 2019 Website: https://www.itsc2019.org/ (more…)