4th 5G-PINE Workshop

4th 5G-PINE Workshop

Title: 4th Workshop on “5G – Putting Intelligence to the Network Edge” (5G-PINE 2019)

Date & Location: Crete, Grece; May 24-26, 2019.


The 4th 5G-PINE Workshop aims disseminate knowledge obtained from current EU projects and from other action of EU-funded research, in the thematic area of “5G Innovative Activities – Putting Intelligence to the Network Edge” and with the aim of focusing on Artifical Intelligence (AI) in modern 5G telecommunications infrastructures.

Among other topics, the workshop aims to investigate and give answers to the following questions:

  • What are the requirements for the successful “combination” of the three fundamental concepts, i.e. NFV, Small Cells and Edge Computing, towards serving more efficient network management?
  • Which may be the new business models that may arise due to the “Intelligence at the network edge”?
  • How progress at the network edge can support development of eMBB and V2X solutions, especially relevant to global 5G challenges also aiming to serve the automotive sector?
  • How to develop use cases of interest in verticals and to examine opportunities for growth in the broader telecommunications market?
  • How to develop the Small Cell-as-a-Service (ScaaS) context in 5G-oriented scenarios?

The workshop will provide a framework for an open and interactive cooperation and for exchanging ideas, knowledge and practices between several EU-funded projects (coming from H2020 and 5G-PPP) covering several among the identified specific topics and possible application areas (as discussed in the section below).

  • Software-Defined Infrastructures
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications and agents in telecommunications
  • Modern Network Management Technologies
  • V2X applications and eMBB solutions, within specific frequency bands
  • European Union’s policies and regulatory issues, business aspects and related market practices
  • Distributed signal processing, grid computing, cloud computing and virtualization
  • Internet of the Things (IoT), wireless sensor networks, ubiquitous and pervasive services – Applications and interaction for social networking
  • Video-to-video and other multimedia-based communications, IPv6 and mobile networks

Source: http://www.aiai2019.eu/5gpine2019/