Title: 2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF’19)
Date & Location: Dresden, Germany: September 30 – October 2019
Website: http://sites.ieee.org/wf-5g/from-5g-experiments-to-business-validation/
The 2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum will bring experts from industry, academia and research to exchange their vision and achievements towards 5G, and encourage innovative cross-domain studies, research, early deployment and large-scale pilot showcases that address the challenges of 5G.
5G-DRIVE and other projects are organising the “2nd Workshop on 5G-Trials – From 5G Experiments to Business Validation” and the calling for papers. The workshop aims to provide a forum for industry and academics to disseminate new findings on 5G trials and new business development. The workshop calls for papers presenting test results from trials as well as theoretical results based on realistic deployment schemes and new 5G business models.
The workshop call for papers can be accessed here. New deadline for paper submissions: May 30, 2019.